Below: An excerpt from one of Limbaughs shows:
“I'm telling you, these people have been paying a lot of tax freight. There is no way Governor Paterson's going to raise $4 billion a year on this. Because, folks, it's axiomatic: when you raise taxes on an activity, you reduce that activity. People start doing that activity less. In this case: working. When you reduce taxes on an activity, then that activity increases. When you reduce taxes on income, people start working harder to earn more. Governor Paterson needs to cut taxes on people. He needs to spur investment. He needs to get people going and working. It's just the exact opposite. Governor Paterson is like most other liberal Democrats: zero-sum game. The economy is a pie. It never grows. Somebody gets their slice; somebody gets their slice."
"So I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to look for an alternative studio somewhere outside New York, perhaps Texas -- another no-income-tax state -- and I'm going to get the hell over there, when a hurricane starts coming our way, 'cause I told Mayor Bloomberg: I'll be the first to lead the way. You know, this is just... I'll sell my apartment. I'll sell my condominium. I'm going to get out of there totally, 'cause this is just absurd, and it's ridiculous -- and it isn't going to work. It's punishing the achievers for the mistakes and the lack of discipline on the part of a bunch of corrupt politicians that have run that city and state into the ground for I don't know how many years -- and I, for one, am not going to take the blame for it.”
___This is what liberals do. They spend everybody into oblivion. They blame the rich for not paying enough, and they raise taxes on them. And they decrease the activity that generates the tax revenue. There are going to be others that are going to get out of there, especially in this economy.
___Its not hard to believe this is happening in New York, but at the same time it is hard to believe that they are doing this to their own kind. Liberals against Liberals. WOW.
I think that the angle being taken here is that even the government is looking past political parties. They arent interested in weather your a democrat, lib, or conservative. They are most interested in how taxable you are, HOW MUCH CAN THEY GET FROM YOU??!! Because in new york, even the Libs have high paying jobs. WOW
I think its kind of funny that they're now being "taken" by their own. AMAZING NEW YORK, NEW YORK.